Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: January 15, 1993
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faxalter - alter parameters of a facsimile job queued for transmission  


faxalter [ -h hostname ] [ -a tts ] [ -k killtime ] [ -n notify ] [ -p ] [ -t maxtries ] [ -DQR ] jobid...  


Faxalter alters parameters of one or more facsimile jobs that are queued for transmission. At present only two parameters can be altered; the time to send a job and the notification scheme. A jobid is the number printed by sendfax(1) when a job is queued for transmission. This number can also be obtained from faxstat(1).

The -a option is used to specify a new time to send a job. The syntax for specifying a time is the same as used by sendfax(1) (and at(1)). The -p option specifies that the jobs should be pushed; that is, they should be sent immediately (NB: this is equivalent to ``-a now''.)

The -k option is used to specify a new time to kill a job; the syntax is the same as used for the -a option.

The -t option is used to alter the maximum number of times the server should call the remote fax machine.

The -n option is used to select a notification scheme to use for the specified jobs. Possible schemes are: ``none'' for no notification (default), ``when done'' for notification when the job is completed, ``when requeued'' for notification when the job is requeued after a failed transmission attempt. The -Q, -D, and -R options are shorthand for these notification schemes, respectively. One can also leave off ``when'' when using the -n option; e.g., ``done'' instead of ``when done''.

Users can only alter jobs that they have queued; except the fax user who can alter any job.

By default, faxalter contacts the facsimile server on the host specified in the FAXSERVER environment variable. This can be overridden with the -h option.  


Job %s not altered: it was not queued. The specified job was not found in the server's queue.

Job %s not altered: open failed; check SYSLOG. The server was unable to do some necessary operation on the remote host and so could not alter the job. More information about what went wrong can be found in the syslogd(1M) log file on the server's machine.

Job %s not altered: could not establish server process owner. A request was made by the ``fax'' user to alter a job that it did submit. This request was not accepted because the server was unable to deduce the identity under which it was executing. That is, there was no password file entry for the server's effective user id. This (usually) indicates that the entry in the file ${USRETC}/inetd.conf on the remove machine is setup wrong; see faxd.recv(1M) for more information.

Job %s not altered: you neither own it nor are the fax user. A request was made to alter a job that the user does not own (and the user is not the ``fax'' user).  


Faxalter must be run on the same host on which the job was submitted.  


flexfax(1), sendfax(1), faxrm(1), faxstat(1), faxd.recv(1M)




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